PhD/MFA. teacher. alleged writer. literary + cultural studies scholar. sometimes: design + translation. often: tattoos. 

Simpson Center for the Humanities

From 2019-2020, I was the Communications Manager at the University of Washington’s Simpson Center for the Humanities, where I worked with faculty and students to promote their scholarship and share their work with the public. The Simpson Center fosters intellectual discovery across boundaries, supporting cross-disciplinary exchange among scholars at the UW and beyond.

These are links to some of the writing I did for the Simpson Center. I also developed a video series called Keywords. Aside from my writing, I’m currently redesiging their website.

CHCI-ACLS Fellow Joel Alden Schlosser on the Politics of Refusal, Ancient Greek Philosophy, and the Language of Flourishing,” November 2019. 

Interrupting Privilege: UW Professor of Communication Ralina Joseph Is Teaching People to Talk About Race Across Generational and Racial Lines,” June 2019. 

Unsettling Graduate Education: American Indian and Indigenous Studies at the UW,” May 2019.

Gillian Harkins Awarded Barclay Simpson Prize for Prison Education Work,” April 2019.