PhD/MFA. teacher. alleged writer. literary + cultural studies scholar. sometimes: design + translation. often: tattoos. 

The Guardian: Sounds Jewish Podcast

“The Jewish Revival in Poland”
June 5, 2013
Running time: 00:42:24

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I presented this audio story for The Guardian’s Sound Jewish podcast, produced by Sarah Peters, in 2013. Using my family’s story as a throughline, it explores the history of postwar Jewish life and culture in Poland, when the post-Holocaust silence surrounding Things Jewish—a silence exacerbated by the 1968 antisemitic purges—was penetrated by non-Jews who, in the 1980s and 90s, felt that part of their communal history was missing. Since then, thousands of Poles have discovered their Jewish roots, often revealed by dying relatives who, until the turn of the century, had kept their families’ identities a secret for fear of persecution. 

Our story received the 2013 award for “Best Podcast” from the Sanford St. Martin Trust Awards.